Eco Lawn Care

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Eliminate The Fire Ant Threat

Are you seeing these dangerous, invasive insects in your lawn?  The Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) has been spreading in Texas since the 1950’s. They have continued to spread into most of the state of Texas, New Mexico, northern Mexico and Oklahoma.

Are fire ants dangerous?

Mounds can be home to hundreds of thousands of ants, and, when disturbed, the ants swarm in an effort to ward off predators. The sting of a fire ant typically causes localized swelling and small pustules at the site of the sting. In some cases, however, the sting can lead to entire limbs becoming swollen, and, in very rare cases, life-threatening allergic reactions can occur.

Along with the possibility of harm to humans, fire ants can attack pets, smother ornamental plantings, and damage electrical equipment.

How can I tell if there are fire ants in my yard?

Fire ants build their colonies in open areas that get a lot of sun. As the temperature rises, the ants move to cooler ground, causing their mounds to become flatter and less noticeable. After a rain, however, the ants work hard to move the saturated soil, and mounds become far more noticeable.

Red Imported Fire Ant
Public domain image by Alex Wild, produced by the University of Texas “Insects Unlocked” program.

How can I control fire ants?

Eco Lawn Care employs the “Texas Two Step,” treating individual mounds and applying a broadcast bait for season long control. With baiting, the ants do the work for you, taking the bait back to the nest, sharing it with other ants as well as the queen. Even when applied by professionals, baiting for ants can take 4 to 8 weeks to be effective. The important thing to remember is that your yard is treated at the right time of year because baits will only work while the fire ants are most actively searching for food.

For help in controlling the ant population on your property, contact ECO Lawn Care at   512-778-9919 or request an estimate online.

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